пʼятниця, 1 квітня 2011 р.

Декілька слів про смартфони

Телефон на Android це звичайно класно, але, на жаль, цій операційній системі потрібний потужний hardware. Тобто, якщо і купляти Android-смартфон, то тільки hi-end девайс.
Недавно придбав собі iPhone 3G і тепер радію, як дитина :). Все-таки Apple вміють робити зручні в повсякдевному користуванні речі.
Вчора прошився на 4.2.1 і джейлбрейкнув в два кліка...

четвер, 6 травня 2010 р.

Samsung i5700 Spica

As far as I purchased my first Android phone, I'll try to write here all pros and cons of this phone and OS and also describe problems and challanges I meet

субота, 22 березня 2008 р.

Burning sky

That's why I love evening views from my window:

вівторок, 18 березня 2008 р.

Norwegian habits and stereotypes

I've got a task at my english lesson to write a short composition about some nation's stereotypes, so I tried to gather together information about most common habits and stereotypes of the Norwegians.

Foreign stereotypes, on the one hand, tend to depict the Norwegians as healthy, enlightened, effective people with strong welfare states, lax rules of sexual morality and an institutionalized yearning for nature and simplicity. On the other hand,
for example, the Germans associate Scandinavians with too much alcohol.
As regards the health, the Norwegians are sport addicts. You can't imagine a Norwegian without a snowboard or skies in winter and without run in park when it is warm. Also these people are very ecology conscious, that's why Norway is probably one of the cleanest countries in the world.
Speaking about their effectiveness, I can say, that the Norwegians have a strange way of working. The overall attitude can be described as "if we don't do it today, we'll do it tomorrow". Nobody cares much about time nor deadlines. They are totally sure that everything will work out somehow, some day, and so nobody takes really care of their job. Big problem is that nobody feels responsible for anything and so nothing that is slightly out of the routine ever gets done.
What gets really frustrating, when you have to ask people once...twice..three times or more for something that actually could be done in five minutes. So you wait and wait and wait, and nothing happens. Another thing that results from this relaxed attitude is that even easy things get overly complicated. It is totally impossible to start a new project, because new projects always involve work that's never been done before, and nobody is responsible for this.
The main strength of the Norwegians is that they are very kind people. The Global peace index rates Norway as most peaceful nation in the world.
Also, Norway is ranked first in the world in life expectancy, literacy, education and standard of living. All while being arguably the most atheist nation on the planet. 85% of Norwegians are members of a church, yet most of them still describe themselves as atheists/agnostics. In Norway, being member of a church is more of a traditional thing, than religious.
The main weakness of the Norwegians is that whole nation is very addicted to alcohol. Everybody think that we have this picture of Scandinavians because they drink so much, when they are tourists, for example, in Germany, since it is so amazingly cheap and easy to get. In Norway once you started drinking here you don't stop until you're either unconscious, all bars are closed or you are completely out of money. It's amazing, how much money they spent on booze and how fast and careless they swallow it down. Even wine, which is really unbelievably expensive (80kr/10€ for the cheapest bottle) gets drunk like water.
And nobody can find out if alcohol-taxes are so ridiculously high, because the Norwegians have always had a drinking problem or if the Norwegians have a drinking problem because that is their kind of protest against their government's parenting behavior.